Friday 18 July 2014


July 18, 2014

It is very easy and convenient to say wonderful and positive things especially when all seems to be going on fine. But the moment a bend along the way comes around, it becomes very hard to still say those positive things which I very much understand. However, one watch out is that what we say during times of difficulty and challenges determines how long we stay in that situation because Bible says in Prov 18:21 that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and you will eat the fruit thereof.”

If you are always complaining and murmuring about how bad and terrible life is treating you, you are sure signing up for a miserable, frustrating and depressing time here on earth. In 1 Samuel 17, when a single man – Goliath, became a national threat to Israel and everyone was scared. David didn’t join every other person to start complaining and wailing. He didn’t even consider the size of Goliath because he knew that His God was, is and always bigger than any mountain not to talk of a mere man.

When David moved closer to Goliath, he told him in verse 45-47 that, “Hey Goliath, I come to you in God’s name and I tell you that in some few moments, my God will deliver you into my hands, and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee.” That was a mighty declaration of faith. David must have screamed on top of his voice so Goliath could hear him considering Goliath’s height. Sir, there are miracles in your mouth if only you will declare them. Once you say it and you believe it, God fulfils it.

Henceforth, stop complaining about life, start declaring what you want. When the economy is bad, you say, “God will supply my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.” When business is not moving well, declare, “Everything I lay my hands to do prospers.” Sir/ma, if you want to change your world, change your word.

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