Monday 21 July 2014


July 20, 2014

One of the most difficult things for most of us to accept is correction especially when it is coming from another person. I discovered that God prefers to correct us privately, but if we won’t yield to His correction, or we don’t know how to accept His correction privately, He will correct us publicly using whatever source. This was the case with Balaam when God used his donkey to correct him.

Oftentimes, our first impulse when being corrected by another person is to find fault in the “correcter”. That’s the point at which we say stuffs like, “After all, you always do worse things also.” Satan tempts us to do this in order to divert us from the real issue and ends up robbing us of the benefit to be derived from the correction. Joyce Meyer said that “Being corrected by God through people in authority such as the government, employers, parents, spouses and teachers is something each of us will encounter throughout life.”

Of a truth, we may not like the source God is using to correct us, but it is wisdom to accept the correction anyway to avoid “going round the mountain one more time” especially when you know that what you are being corrected for is a wrong thing. Be open to correction, take it as a gift and go work on it. Always remember that whom the Father loves, He chastises (corrects). Heb 12:6. I am sure one of the things that made God call David a man after His own heart was that David was a man who embraced correction with openness and readiness to change.

Don’t be too proud to accept correction. Always have it at the back of your mind that the person correcting you loves you and wants you to be a better person which is why the person is correcting you. Always remember that corrections are done at the end of every class test so that the students can be better and not make same mistake again.

Have a blessed week ahead.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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