Wednesday 2 July 2014


July 2, 2014

While growing up, I found it very hard to express myself in public because I lacked self-confidence. The concept we were taught then was that, if you were not from a very rich family, you should never open your mouth to talk. One of the proverbs that we learnt then was, “Whenever a rich man is talking, no matter how wonderful a poor man’s idea is, he should never talk.”

Over time, I now saw that lack of self-confidence affects everything about a man because you are never sure you are complete or right, so there is that feeling of inadequacy. Even when you have something wonderful to talk about in a meeting, you keep quiet because you don’t want to be wrong or you feel maybe your idea might not make sense.

However, I have discovered three secrets of developing great and priceless self-confidence which are practice, more practice and keep practicing. When I first started doing gospel comedy, my first six months was one of my most terrible moments in life. Even though I had good materials, I lacked the confidence to present my materials, but over time, as I kept practicing and practicing and practicing, the lost self-confidence came back by itself.

When David went to confront Goliath, everyone around him started making him feel inadequate. His own brother even said, “You are such a rude boy, you better go back to the bush where your mates are.” However, David understood that with practice comes perfection and then confidence so he told them, “I am confident that this Goliath guy is a cheap one for me, because I have killed a bear and a fox and a snake and many wild animals before now.”

Building your self-confidence is an attitude which allows you have positive realistic views about yourself and your life. It even helps your faith life because you feel confident and adequate to approach God in prayer knowing confidently well that God will always answer you whenever you call on Him.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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