Thursday 24 July 2014


July 23, 2014

One thing I do not need a prophet to tell me is that every human on planet earth desires greatness. Greatness is not a Western idea, it is global. However, an adage says, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” In order words, if greatness is a product of wish, then we would all be great men and women in our individual chosen field of endeavor, but sir/ma, let me disappoint you, if you like, wish for greatness from now till 2080, without application of principles, you will never cease wishing.

The “A” rule talks about Appearance. In Gen 41, when Uncle Joseph was brought out of the prison, the first thing that he did was to shave himself, and then he changed his garment, before daring to go to the presence of Pharaoh. He understood the principle that says, “You cannot dress like a suspect, and expect to be treated like a prospect.” Your appearance is key in your journey to the land of greatness.

The “B” part talks about Behavior. If your appearance is super, but your behavior is not proper, sir, you are a joker. You need to understand that sport scouts don’t look for touts. Your behavior is what tells people the kind of person you are even before they get close to you. A Nigerian adage says, “Behavior is beauty.” In order words, if you like use the most expensive powder in the world, if your behavior is bad, you are bad.

The “C” part is Communication. If you are truly serious about becoming great, then you need to be able to communicate clearly. When professors heard Jesus talk even at age twelve, they marveled and said, “What kind of wisdom is this?” Great people can communicate their ideas, plans and thoughts clearly and concisely.

Always remember that appearance, behavior and good communication style alone doesn’t guarantee automatic greatness, you need hard work, prayer and help of the Holy Spirit.

Have a great day.

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong  


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