Tuesday 22 July 2014


July 22, 2014

As said before, motive is always the motivational factor behind a man’s actions and inactions. However, it could be a two edged sword as it could be a good thing and also a bad thing. We talked about the good side of it before, and now I want to talk about the negative implication of motive that we always refer to as wrong motive. Someone said, if your motive for doing the right thing is wrong, then you sure are doing the wrong thing.

A young man with a very promising future as a prophet destroyed that chance because of his motive. Gehazi had the chance of becoming Elisha’s successor and maybe having triple portion of Elisha’s anointing but his real motive for becoming a prophet’s servant was revealed when a very powerful and wealthy man (Naaman) came for prophetic consultation (2 Kings 5: 21-27). It became obvious to Prophet Elisha that the real reason why Gehazi was following him was for financial gains which unfortunately he didn’t get but went away with generational leprosy.

A friend said, some people want to get rich to oppress the poor, some became police officer or a lawyer to take revenge, to make matters worse, some pray to God day and night just so they could prove to their neighbors that they have a good God. Some even got married to someone they didn’t love just to prove to some people (who in actual sense don’t matter) that they are also marriageable. Some take bank loans to buy things to show their friends that they are also in town. You hear them say, “I want to prove a point.”

Always remember that when your motive for doing something is wrong, no matter the number of right steps taken, you still are doing the wrong thing.


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