Tuesday 8 July 2014


July 8, 2014

Few months ago (looks like days actually), we were all shouting, “Happy New Year”, and here we are in the second half of the year already. Before you know what is happening, December will surface and then 2014 will become history. Sir, it is so easy to be so engrossed in daily activities that we might end up forgetting the main reason why we exist or even lose sight of those things we said we would do in 2014.

The first thing is, do you have goals for 2014? Are they written somewhere? I have learnt over the course of some years now that if it is not written, it doesn’t exist. Even the scripture says in Hab 2:2 that, “Write the vision (dreams, plans, ideas, projects), and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. If the Ten Commandments had not been written down, we would all be doing as we like. Sir, writing it down might not be a guarantee that it will be done, however, it will help you see what needs to be done – the choice is now yours whether to do or not.

Like I said earlier, when you look at all the daily activities you involve yourself in, sometimes you realize that 90% of the things you are doing do not in any way increase your chance of attaining your goals,  some of them are just activities and not actions tailored towards achievement which is why many appear busy but end up lousy. This is because, what needs to be done is not done as at when due.

Do you know that every 24hours is like crude oil waiting to be refined? Sir/ma, would the way you are living your life and spending your day make you a champ or a tramp? Some activities might be nice to do, but how does it drive you closer to attaining your goals. Don’t be busy doing nothing, get busy doing your dream.


Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 


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