Saturday 28 December 2013


December 25, 2013

Bible says that the harvest is much but the laborers are few. In other words, God is in need of people to fulfill the mandate He gave us in Mark 16:15 that, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Remember, Matthew 24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” so, you and I have a part to play in ensuring that the gospel is preached in all nations of the world.

A vessel is a container used in storing or carrying an item from one place to the other. One way or the other, we all make use of vessels in our day to day activities. We store food in containers; we store water in containers, etc. Humans are vessels made by the Almighty God. Some vessels bring honor while some bring shame and dishonor. A point to note is that God never created anyone to be for dishonor.

Bible says that when God finished creating you, He blessed you. As a matter of fact Bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made because you were made in God’s own image – a vessel unto honor. Vessels unto honor are those whose motto in life is Matt 6:33. They are kingdom seekers.

They are soul winners. They are good news carrier. They are messengers of hope. They are sin haters. They are obedient. They are faithful tithers. They are truthful. They are holy. They love God. Hezekiah was a vessel unto honor which was why God reversed his death sentence over him. God said He was proud of Job because Job was a vessel unto honor. What kind of vessel are you? I urge you today, before this year ends, win a soul for Christ and that mark of honor would forever be upon you in Jesus Name. Amen!

From me and my family, I say – Have a Merry Xmas!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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