Saturday 28 December 2013


December 23, 2013

A very popular thug in a certain community was seen threatening to kill a young man that crossed his path. Everyone around that area begged him but he never listened to them. Suddenly from the crowd came a stranger who told the popular thug, leave him and fight me instead. As the thug was running towards the stranger, he slipped and broke his neck. That was the end of his reign.

In 2 Kings 6:14-20, the king of Syria sent horses and chariots and a great army to compass the city of Dothan all because of Elisha. When Elisha’s servant saw the great host encamped against them, Bible says he told Elisha, “Alas! My master, how shall we do?” In order words, sir, aren’t we done for already? However, Elisha knew very well that one of God’s areas of interest is in fighting for His people.

He told his servant, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” At the end, God opened his eyes and he saw the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. At the end, God fought not just for Elisha but the entire nation of Israel. I pray for someone today that, no matter how hot that battle is, the Mighty Man in battle will take over the battle this minute in Jesus Name. Amen!

As believers, we have the assurance the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. God will never allow any of His children suffer defeat which is why He would always rise up to defend and fight for them. A word of caution though, God will only fight for His own people – those that have made righteousness their breastplate.

Without righteousness, you are exposed. Sin is an invitation to attack by the enemies. I pray for you that the enemy shall not over power you in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

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