Monday 2 December 2013


December 3, 2013

Have you found yourself in a situation where what belongs to you is being denied you on the ground that you have done something wrong in the past or even in the present. I heard the story of a man that because he had a little argument with one of the big bosses, his promotion has since been pegged. The devil is called “accuser of the brethren.” His job is to stop children of God from moving forward. That’s why the scripture says he has come to steal, kill and destroy. He shall not be able to stop you in Jesus name. Amen!

In John 8, a woman caught in the very act of adultery, was brought to Jesus for judgment. Her accusers claimed that the Mosaic Law commanded that she should be stoned, but they wanted to know Jesus’s opinion. Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not and said, “He that is without sin should cast the first stone.” Bible says they left one by one.

Jesus concluded by telling the woman, “Your accusers have disappeared, so I accuse you not also.” I pray that all those accusing you because of your mistakes would from this moment disappear and never come back again in Jesus name. Amen!

In the book of Daniel 6, some brethren rose up and instigated the king to make a decree that no one should pray to any God for thirty days, just because they wanted to accuse Daniel. Daniel prayed and as such, he was cast into the lion’s den, but because God is the one that turns the plan of the enemy into what would bring Him glory, lions became pets because of Daniel. I decree that whatever plan of the enemy to ridicule you is hereby turned around for your good in Jesus Name.

I decree that every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn in Jesus Name. Amen!

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