Saturday 21 December 2013


December 21, 2013

Have you ever told someone something and the response you get is, “It is a lie,” or “Unbelievable.” sometimes some things happen that are just beyond human comprehension or calculation, and when those things happen, it becomes very hard for ordinary men to understand what is happening. It is called a miracle. A miracle is what I call a truthful lie. In order words, it sounds like a lie, but it is very true. There are some miracles that sound like lies

Sarah was way past menopause by medical science calculation, but when the miracle working God who is not hindered or bothered by any human philosophy or analogy stepped in, Sarah became a mother. As a matter of fact, Sarah herself found it very hard to believe. Her neighbors would have said, “It is all a lie.” I pray for someone today that, that miracle that would sound like you are lying is released unto you in Jesus Name.

By the time the woman with the twelve years issue of blood got back home wearing no sanitary towel or having no pungent irritating smell, her neighbors would wonder what was happening. By the time she said, “The flow is totally gone,” some of them walked away but when they saw her wearing sparkling clean white bum shorts as against the usual flowing black gown, they had no option but to believe.  

When some people heard Mephibosheth started eating at the king’s table, they thought it was a lie. When some people hear you are now a landlord, it may sound like a lie to them; when some hear you are now a millionaire, they would argue; when some hear that you now drive a Mercedes Benz G Guard, they will not believe; when some hear you are now employed, they would assume it is faith employment but I decree in the name that is above every other name that miracles that would make even your family and friends shiver, is released for you today in Jesus Name. Amen!

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