Tuesday, 31 December 2013


December 31, 2013

I have come to realize that it is easier to scream out and count our burdens than it is to brag about God’s blessings. Robinson Crusoe did something worth emulating when he found himself on a deserted island. He made a list, and on one side of the list, he wrote all his problems and on the other he wrote all his blessings. On one side he wrote; I do not have any clothes. On the other side he wrote, but its warm and I don’t really need any.

On one side he wrote; all provisions are gone. On the other side, he wrote; but there’s plenty of fresh fruit and fresh water on the island. As he continued down the list, he realized that for every negative aspect of his situation, there was a positive side to it; there was something to be thankful for. Even though you don’t wear top brand shirts, you don’t pick shirts off dump sites to wear.

One man said he went to heaven and saw angels very busy at the Petition Receiving Section moving up and down transporting prayer requests to God. As he moved on, he saw another section; Packaging & Delivery Section where several angels were busy ensuring answered requests are being packaged and delivered to the requesters. Finally, at the farthest end of the corridor, he saw only one angel seated doing nothing. He was told it is the Acknowledgement Section – the Thank You corner.

The man asked why the angel isn’t working. The archangel told him, people rarely send back acknowledgements to God which is why it is always free. Friends, you ought to thank God if you are reading this alive. Eph 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”

For being a part of my 2013, I say thank you and have a sweet and smooth crossover into 2014.

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December 30, 2013

In life, names are very important. Prov 22:1 says, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” One good name that I know is the name of Jesus. Bible says in Phil 2:9-11 that, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

The name of Jesus carries the life and power of Jesus which is why the right application of the name generates great manifestation of His power. In Acts 3, Peter and John were going into the temple to pray when they noticed a man lame from his mother’s womb begging for alms. Peter looked at him and said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Acts 3:7 says, “Immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.”

Note that calling the name of Jesus without believing in Him is a futile effort. When you believe in the power in the name of Jesus, then you can enjoy John 14:13 that, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” The name of Jesus is powerful and life changing. Even the disciples called on Jesus when the storm arose and He delivered them.

Stop calling on people, sir, they really do want to help you but they also need help. Why not call on the Helper of helpers – Jesus. He is called The helper in Heb 13:6. I decree in the name of Jesus, that before 2013 ends, God will send help to you.

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December 29, 2013

Our eternal home is heaven and we were made to understand that our job there is just to praise and praise and worship and worship and praise and worship God all the time. Bible says in the book of Revelation that the beasts and the twenty four elders are all worshipping God day and night without rest. So, that does mean that, we ought to master the art of giving glory and praise to God even from now. Isa 43:21 says, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.”

Someone might be say, maybe I will praise God when I get a job or when I finally buy a car or when I get admitted into college, because I don’t have any reason to praise God right now. Hmmmm, I see. Anyway, it is not a crime that you do not see any reason why you ought to glorify God, but permit me to give you two reasons why glorifying God must be what you do every day any day.

Some of your mates cannot eat by themselves unless beaten because they are mentally derailed. Some parents like yours have had cause to bury their children this year, but here you are standing. You know how many people shouted Happy New Year January 1, 2013 but some of them are dead, some in the hospital, some in the prison for what they know nothing about, some walking the street naked, some lost their jobs, but here you are standing. I tell people that even though you are not where you want to be, you still are not where your enemies want you to be.

Psa 34:19 says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” God has been delivering you out of trouble despite your reckless lifestyle. Sir/ma, He deserves your praise. Please I beg of you, do not focus on what Satan and his cohorts are doing; find reasons to praise God.

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Saturday, 28 December 2013


December 28, 2013

Psalm 24:3-4 says that, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.” One of the requirements of being blessed by God is clean hands and a pure heart and we all know that it is only the blessing of that Lord that makes rich without adding any sorrow to it.

Someone said that if some people’s heart should be opened, you would see venomous and dangerous animals in there; in other words their hearts are so full of evil. What is a pure heart? A pure heart is a heart free of bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking and malice. It is a tender heart full of forgiveness and love for all. A pure heart is a heart governed by the Holy Ghost.

Jesus said in Matt 5:8 that, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” It then means, cursed are the impure in heart for they shall see Satan. The heart is vital when relating with God. That is why God told Samuel that man looks at the eyes but God looks at the heart. In order words, if you like, cry your life out during a worship session or pray the loudest if you like, if your heart is not pure, those might just be some spiritual jamboree.

I have discovered that of a truth as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. As a matter of fact, as a man thinks towards his fellow man, so he is. Haman’s thought of heart towards Mordecai was evil, but he ended up getting served with that evil. Pharaoh also. I decree that anyone whose heart is devising evil against you shall be the same to enjoy that evil even in seven folds in Jesus Name. Before you say Amen, what is the state of your own heart towards others?

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December 27, 2013

Mercy as defined by Wikipedia is benevolence, forgiveness and kindness in a variety of ethical, religious, social and legal contexts. Mercy withholds judgment. This means that every day that we live is an act of God’s mercy. When you obtain the mercy of God, you find it easy to go about life without any hindrance. People would start looking at you like you are smart, not knowing that you are a product of mercy.

Two men with blindness saw Jesus and started following Him. I was expecting to read that they requested that Jesus open their eyes, but the Bible says they cried in Matt 9:27, “Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.” One thing that happens when God hears the word mercy is that His ears tingle and His attention is focused on you. When Jesus heard those guys asking for mercy, He had no choice but to heal them.

I have come to understand that unless one obtains mercy of God, life’s journey becomes kind of hard and strenuous. If you go through the miracles Jesus performed throughout the New Testament, you would discover that mercy is the force of attraction. Mercy suspends other rules and brings you into God’s circle of help. I decree concerning someone that you shall obtain God’s mercy in Jesus Name.

Have you ever wondered why some people who work less than you do are doing better than you? The scripture says it is mercy. Goliath thought victory was by height and strength but David knew that it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

In all thy asking today, ask for mercy. From today henceforth, I decree concerning you that the oil of God’s mercy would continually be upon you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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December 26, 2013

The word compromise is a double faced word – it has its good side and the bad side. Today, I want to address the bad one. I am talking of the kind of compromise where people do what ethically and ordinarily they would not have done, but they still go ahead to do it because of what they want to get.

We are always faced with so many choices with so many conditions to either accept or reject. It is not a matter of whether you are a believer or not, such times would always come and the pressure to compromise would be so heavy. A young man by the name Esau in Gen 25 came back home one day from the farm famished, he was almost fainting. Suddenly, he saw his younger brother with some red pottage with nice aroma. Before he could be given a small portion, he had to sell his birth right to his younger brother.

On the other hand, in Gen 39, a young man with good prospect was presented with a so called juicy opportunity when the wife of the most powerful man in Egypt – Potiphar asked him to sleep with her. He knew that if he slept with her, he would be highly placed in the palace and well respected but he said, “because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”

Joseph refused to compromise and as such God lifted him up so much that Pharaoh said in Gen 41:40 that, “Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou.” Had Joseph compromised, he would have settled for less and lost the best of God for his life.

I am urging someone today, don’t compromise with sin. It will only sink you in deeper shame and trouble and calamity. Why don’t you use today to box our sin out of your life.

Happy Boxing Day!

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December 25, 2013

Bible says that the harvest is much but the laborers are few. In other words, God is in need of people to fulfill the mandate He gave us in Mark 16:15 that, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Remember, Matthew 24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” so, you and I have a part to play in ensuring that the gospel is preached in all nations of the world.

A vessel is a container used in storing or carrying an item from one place to the other. One way or the other, we all make use of vessels in our day to day activities. We store food in containers; we store water in containers, etc. Humans are vessels made by the Almighty God. Some vessels bring honor while some bring shame and dishonor. A point to note is that God never created anyone to be for dishonor.

Bible says that when God finished creating you, He blessed you. As a matter of fact Bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made because you were made in God’s own image – a vessel unto honor. Vessels unto honor are those whose motto in life is Matt 6:33. They are kingdom seekers.

They are soul winners. They are good news carrier. They are messengers of hope. They are sin haters. They are obedient. They are faithful tithers. They are truthful. They are holy. They love God. Hezekiah was a vessel unto honor which was why God reversed his death sentence over him. God said He was proud of Job because Job was a vessel unto honor. What kind of vessel are you? I urge you today, before this year ends, win a soul for Christ and that mark of honor would forever be upon you in Jesus Name. Amen!

From me and my family, I say – Have a Merry Xmas!

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December 24, 2013

Apostle Peter set out very early in the morning to go fish. As usual, he let down his net and started having a chat with his fellow fishermen. After few minutes, he decided to bring the net back up only to discover that there was no single fingerling in there. This kept on going on and on for hours until the night came. As he was getting packed to go back home, Jesus came and said, “cast you net in there again.”

This was a little confusing for Peter as he was a professional fisherman and for someone who might never have gone fishing before to be telling him what to do. However, one thing that stood Peter out was that he was a great believer. In Luke 5:5, Peter said, “Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” In verse 6, Bible says when they had this done, they caught a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. 

Bible says that the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. In Matt 17, tax collectors came to Peter to demand for Jesus’ tax. Peter was angry, I guess because he knew there was no cash readily available with them. Jesus however told him, chill, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

Peter knew that a fish was an animal and not a bank, but because he understood that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and that the Word was the One that gave that order, he went there and it was as Jesus said it would be. Keep on believing the word of God. Remember that to him that believes, all things are possible.

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December 23, 2013

A very popular thug in a certain community was seen threatening to kill a young man that crossed his path. Everyone around that area begged him but he never listened to them. Suddenly from the crowd came a stranger who told the popular thug, leave him and fight me instead. As the thug was running towards the stranger, he slipped and broke his neck. That was the end of his reign.

In 2 Kings 6:14-20, the king of Syria sent horses and chariots and a great army to compass the city of Dothan all because of Elisha. When Elisha’s servant saw the great host encamped against them, Bible says he told Elisha, “Alas! My master, how shall we do?” In order words, sir, aren’t we done for already? However, Elisha knew very well that one of God’s areas of interest is in fighting for His people.

He told his servant, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” At the end, God opened his eyes and he saw the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. At the end, God fought not just for Elisha but the entire nation of Israel. I pray for someone today that, no matter how hot that battle is, the Mighty Man in battle will take over the battle this minute in Jesus Name. Amen!

As believers, we have the assurance the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. God will never allow any of His children suffer defeat which is why He would always rise up to defend and fight for them. A word of caution though, God will only fight for His own people – those that have made righteousness their breastplate.

Without righteousness, you are exposed. Sin is an invitation to attack by the enemies. I pray for you that the enemy shall not over power you in Jesus Name. Amen!

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December 22, 2013

Humans are relational beings. Someone said that without interaction, frustration and boredom would be the order of the day. Another person said that life is like a jigsaw puzzle with each and every one of us as the pieces fit together. I tell you that, there is no one called cast away because the rejected and so called “useless” person of today might become your way out of trouble tomorrow.

There is a saying that, “if you love me, you would love my dog.” I add to it that, “if you hate me, you hate my dog also.” Saul hated David with a special passion. He attempted killing him several times but he never succeeded. Saul’s son – Jonathan, who apparently was to be the heir to the throne, was naturally meant to hate David as well, knowing how the people loved and preferred David more than his father, but I am so sure that Jonathan understood that he would one day need David.

In 1 Sam 18:1, Bible says that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Because of that, Jonathan helped David escape the wrath of Saul and because of what Jonathan did, his son – Mephibosheth enjoyed the favor of David. No matter who you are today, never look down or cast anyone aside, you might need them one day.

It is only a stupid doctor that would say he does not need an engineer. Only an unserious builder would say he does not need a carpenter. We all need each other. The garri seller needs the chilled water seller. The choir needs the technical team. The manager needs the messenger. Sir, get pride off your chest. Ma, do away with that ego, you need people. Even the creator needs people to do His work, how much less the creature.  

I, Aderibigbe Henry, need all of you and I pray that you shall not die young in Jesus Name. Amen!

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Saturday, 21 December 2013


December 21, 2013

Have you ever told someone something and the response you get is, “It is a lie,” or “Unbelievable.” sometimes some things happen that are just beyond human comprehension or calculation, and when those things happen, it becomes very hard for ordinary men to understand what is happening. It is called a miracle. A miracle is what I call a truthful lie. In order words, it sounds like a lie, but it is very true. There are some miracles that sound like lies

Sarah was way past menopause by medical science calculation, but when the miracle working God who is not hindered or bothered by any human philosophy or analogy stepped in, Sarah became a mother. As a matter of fact, Sarah herself found it very hard to believe. Her neighbors would have said, “It is all a lie.” I pray for someone today that, that miracle that would sound like you are lying is released unto you in Jesus Name.

By the time the woman with the twelve years issue of blood got back home wearing no sanitary towel or having no pungent irritating smell, her neighbors would wonder what was happening. By the time she said, “The flow is totally gone,” some of them walked away but when they saw her wearing sparkling clean white bum shorts as against the usual flowing black gown, they had no option but to believe.  

When some people heard Mephibosheth started eating at the king’s table, they thought it was a lie. When some people hear you are now a landlord, it may sound like a lie to them; when some hear you are now a millionaire, they would argue; when some hear that you now drive a Mercedes Benz G Guard, they will not believe; when some hear you are now employed, they would assume it is faith employment but I decree in the name that is above every other name that miracles that would make even your family and friends shiver, is released for you today in Jesus Name. Amen!

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Thursday, 19 December 2013


December 20, 2013


Isa 43:18-19 says, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Our God is a creative God. He keeps doing new things every day. With God, no stale gist or outdated invention.

When the children of Israel found themselves in the wilderness without food; this was a worry case for them, but for the author of new things, Bible says, He made bread (manna) to rain down from the sky. God’s area of specialty is in the doing of new and wondrous things for His children. Little wonder the lyrics of a song says that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceaseth, they are new every morning.

Psa 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” Listen to me, I don’t care how good and great your old days are, the days ahead of you shall be more colorful and interesting than those behind you in Jesus Name. A man was born blind, in other words, he had no eyes. I am sure every doctor around as at then tried but failed, but the moment the God that performs new things stepped in, new set of eyes were released for the man.

As much as God is interested in doing new things for you, 2 Cor 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” To enjoy that newness of God, you must be truly born again else you will keep basking in old glory. God wants to give you a new stream of income, a new idea, a new body part, a new car, a new house but you must be in Christ.

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December 19, 2013

What is a covenant? A covenant is an agreement between two parties involving mutual obligations; especially the arrangement that established the relationship between God and His people, expressed in grace first with Israel and then with the church. 

Heb 8:8-9 says, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.” For there to be a new thing, it means an old exists. Today, we say old model cars because there are new models.

The Old Covenant was exclusive. This covenant excluded all Gentile nations. This covenant excluded the Canaanites, Moabites, Jebusites, Philistines, Hittites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Agagites, and Shulamites. The Old Covenant was a private partnership between God and Israel. It was limited to one Nation. It was restricted to one people. It was not available for all. It made nothing perfect, and was therefore annulled due to its weakness and unprofitability. 

However, the new covenant is general for all and has better promises. One of the promises is in Heb 8:10 that, “and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people.” And I tell you, if God be for you, no man can be against you. Under the new covenant, you have access to peace, joy, prosperity, success, fame, greatness, wealth, good health and all goodies of life you can ever imagine. That is why Jesus said that He came that we (as in all irrespective or race or color or origin) may have life.

However, it is worthy of note that no matter how sweet or interesting a covenant is, each party must play their part well. Of a truth, God will play His part well, but you must know God personally. It is not about church attendance, it is about having a relationship with Christ. I pray for you that everything you desire in the new covenant be made available for you today in Jesus Name. Amen!

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Wednesday, 18 December 2013


December 18, 2013

For every investor, the ultimate goal is to make profit. Years back, I made an investment error that cost me some fortunes and earned me great pain. It was totally an unprofitable investment. I never looked at that kind of opportunity twice again no matter the lucrativeness.

In Matt 25, a master was going away to a far country and gave out money to his servants to go trade with and bring back some profits. Connotatively, he gave one $5000, another $2000 and the third one $1000 dollars.  Bible says when he got back and demanded that they all give account, the one that got $5000 had made extra $5000. That’s 100% return on investment (ROI) – very profitable.

The one that got $2000 made $2000 profit. That’s also 100% ROI. The one that got $1000 came back and said Sir, I know that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: And I was afraid, and went and hid thy money in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. The master got very furious and said, “You should have even put it in the bank or with money changers and there would have been some profit on my investment.”

Friends, you are God’s investment. The question is how profitable to God are you? Your profitability is a product of your impact in the kingdom of God. What are you doing with what you have; your mouth; hand; leg; talent; time; resources? Can God boldly say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

Remember that God invested His only begotten Son so He can get the entire universe as a return on His investment. How many people have you led to Christ this year? I shall not be an unprofitable investment for God in Jesus Name.

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Tuesday, 17 December 2013


December 17, 2013

When you go to someone’s office and you see his door opened, something tells you, “You are free to enter.” But on the other hand, if the door is locked, you would be forced to lock and or ask someone what the protocol for entering is. The Bible has much to say about open doors but many times – even as Christians – we seem to face obstacles on our path and in our ministry. Blocked doors can be VERY frustrating.

Open doors in life mean opportunity, progress and promotion. Apostle Peter enjoyed it. Apostle Paul did. God’s desire for each and every one of us is to enjoy open doors. You aren’t just placed on this earth to stumble around in the dark trying to find out what you should do. The God of the Universe is interested in you. He has a plan for you; He has a pathway for you. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”

Even when it feels like all doors are closed despite all efforts to have it opened, relax, don’t fidget, Rev 3:8 says, “I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” However, open door is not automatic, it has to be provoked. Righteousness is one key that keeps one’s door permanently opened while sin is a blockage. Lev 26:18-19 says, “And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass.”

Do you want to enjoy perpetual open door? Stay away from sin. As you do so, before you knock on a door, it shall open in Jesus Name. Amen!

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Monday, 16 December 2013


December 16, 2013

Sometimes, when you look at the way things are going or the timing of some happenings, you might be forced to conclude that, “It’s too late for any new thing to happen.” Some other times, when we look at the challenges and troubles we have been or we are going through, we easily want to say, “It is finished.” My message for someone today is not that help is on the way, but that help has finally come.

Psa 46:1 says, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psa 121:1-2 says, I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. For your information, your help is not in the hand of any man. The woman with the twelve years issue of blood thought her help would come from physicians, but it did not until HELP Himself showed up. I pray for someone that the ever present help will show up concerning your case in Jesus Name.

Many believers get disappointed in life not because their case is too big for God to handle but because they’d rather have their uncles and aunties help them than go to the authentic source of help – Jehovah Nissi. Isa 41:10 says, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

God does not forsake which is why I am so certain that for a reader of this devotional, your time of help is now in Jesus Name. God helped David and he became a great king. God helped Joseph and he became a great man in a strange land. For you, God will send help to you from on high in Jesus Name. What seems hard for you to achieve before the end of this year is made easy for you by the help of God in Jesus Name. Amen!

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December 15, 2013

During a peace keeping effort in a war zone, a young army officer ends up with his superior in a safe house. After few hours, the superior officer received a call that he needed to be at another base to sort something. Whole leaving the safe house, he instructed the young officer, “Don’t open the door for anyone, I mean anyone including me. I know of another way into the house.”

After few minutes of the superior officer’s departure, the young officer heard a knock on the door, “Hello, please I have a little child with a gun wound that needs urgent medical attention, would you please open up and help give him first aid treatment.” The young officer was confused as to whether to heed his superior’s command or help save a life. Later, he decided to open the door. Immediately he opened, he was shot on his right arm. By the time he looked up to see who shot, it was his superior. He said, “that’s what disobedient officers get as rewards.”

Bible says in 1 Samuel 15:22 that, “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.” Obedience is one of the keys to accessing the throne of heaven and taking delivery of all goodies there. Obedience means, even if it is not convenient for me, I will do it. it was not convenient for Abraham to go sacrifice his only son, but he obeyed God and that won him the title of father of many nations.

Blind Bartimaeus received his sight because of obedience. Jesus told him in Mark 10:52 that, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.” Without any laying on of hands or anything, Bible says immediately he received his sight. What commandment of God are you finding hard to obey? The truth is that if truly you want to enjoy the goodness and mercy of God, obedience must be your watchword.

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December 14, 2013

The election of Saul as king was not by man’s decision but God’s. Bible says in 1Sa 9:17 that, “And when Samuel saw Saul, the LORD said unto him, Behold the man whom I spake to thee of! this same shall reign over my people.” Saul qualified as God’s favorite, but as wonderful as he was, pride destroyed him.

In 1 Samuel 13, the Philistines gathered to fight Israel, everyone was scared. To make matters worse, the chief Prophet of the land – Samuel, was nowhere to be found. After few minutes, King Saul felt it was not really necessary to wait for Saul. Because of pride, he overstepped his boundary as a king and performed the role of a priest. Bible says, the moment he finished offering the burnt offering, Samuel came. As a result, his reign was cursed.

Pride destroys and kills. Pro 16:18 says, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Pro 16:5 says, “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.” Sir, Jer 50:32 says, “And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up.”

The reason why some people keep losing clients is because they are too proud. Some people have been on the same spot for years because of pride of heart. Lev 26:19 says, “And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass.” In order words, your pride would make God make your efforts fruitless. I pray for you that every stony heart be replaced with hearts of flesh in Jesus Name. Amen!

No matter who you are or what you have become, always remember that no man can receive or become anything without God. It is natural to want to feel big and on top, but always remember that pride is the visa to the land of shame, reproach, demotion and destruction.

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December 13, 2013

One of the medium through which information and data gets transmitted into the life of a man is through the ear. The human ear is vital in the journey of a man on earth. The greatest planner – Almighty God, said that He gave every man two ears and one mouth just so we could hear more than we talk.

Many people are suffering because of what their ears have ushered into their lives. To enjoy God, your ears must be properly trained to do what is called selective hearing. I love king Ahab in 1 Kings 18. Bible says in verse 41 that, “And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.”

Elijah was the one that heard the sound, but because the king understood that 2 Chron 20:20 says, “Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper,” Bible says the king went up and drank and there was abundance of rain. Every good prophecy that your ears have heard shall cone to pass concerning you in Jesus Name. 

What you hear determines how you would act or react and also determines what becomes of you. As believers, your ears are fashioned to hear good. I decree concerning someone today that, the last evil report you heard shall be the last one you shall ever hear in Jesus Name. The only report you are permitted to hear from today henceforth is good report in Jesus Name.

To lay good emphasis on the importance of the ear, Bible says in Rom 10:17 that, “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” To have a good life, watch what you hear. Filter out negative things and you would enjoy the best of God.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

Thursday, 12 December 2013


December 12, 2013

Someone said that there are many talented people out there but the only set of people with the permission to shine is the skillful ones. Self-development is the process of taking a decision to say, “I want to be a better person and I am going to do everything in my capacity to become such.”

The worth of a man is a product of his self-development. One powerful tool of self-development is through reading of books. Someone said that if you want to hide something from a fool, put it in a book. We live in a generation where reading of books has been relegated to the back. People don’t read books anymore. There is a cliché that readers are leaders.

One of my role models in the Bible is Daniel. He said in Dan 9:2, Bible that, “In the first year of his reign I, Daniel understood by books the number of the years.” As a result of that, Bible says in Dan 6:3 that, “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.”

As believers we are so privileged to be blessed with the Bible because it is God’s mind in black and white, yet many of us claim not to have time to read it forgetting that Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

Cultivate the habit of reading books to develop yourself in your chosen field. Most importantly, be a reader of the word of God because Psa 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” As you do so, your value would go up and your life would become more colorful.

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


December 11, 2013

Barriers are hindrances on the way to the top or to glory land. The devil is great at setting up barriers in order to frustrate the effort of believers. He understands that the moment you let the sight of the barrier intimidate you, you are already a prey for him. Barriers slow down one’s journey on earth. The speed at which I would drive on the highway isn’t the same speed I would if there were breakers at every 10 seconds drive.

The wall of Jericho was a great barrier for the children of Israel. Josh 6:1 says, “Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.” But because, God is ready to do anything just to remove whatever barrier might be on the way of his children to their land of glory, God used the sound of the trumpet and the shout of the people of Israel to demolish a wall.  Every barrier standing on your way to your next level, you shall walk upon in Jesus Name. Amen!

Bible says in Zech 4:7 that, “Who art thou, O great mountain before Zerubbabel? Thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.” I don’t care how big and challenging that obstacle is; I decree today that every mountain standing before you, hindering you from entering your land of glory and peace, shall be turned to dust and blown away in Jesus Name. Amen!

I decree concerning someone that every valley before you shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked way shall be made straight and the rough places plain. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed in you, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it in Jesus Name. Henceforth, as for you, I decree no more delay in Jesus Name. Amen!

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


December 10, 2013

One of the most important questions to sit oneself down to ask is, despite what/who people know me as, who exactly am I? Sir, you can deceive everyone, but you cannot deceive yourself. Self-deception is like drinking poison on your enemy’s behalf thinking the enemy would be the one to die. Many people, particularly Christians are living a double standard life. They are someone else in church and another person at home, another person when in the midst of friends. In short, some are human chameleons.

Until you can plainly and clearly tell yourself who you truly are, you will find it difficult to get help. Today, many profess to be born again, but truly they know they are not. They think they are deceiving their pastors or friends forgetting that Rev 3:16 say that, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Matt 7:22-23 says, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

I wonder if prophets would be told such, what of church workers, leaders and members of the congregation. It is sad that many that say they are deacons and church workers and born again Christians are still engaging in gossip, backbiting, fraud, lies, adultery, fornication and other acts that they condemn. Sir, 2 Pet 2:21 says, “For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.”

I love you and I know heaven is going to be sweet and sweeter with you in it, so please be true to yourself. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” A believer or a deceiver?

Follow on twitter @iamhenrylong