Wednesday, 30 July 2014


July 30, 2014

I am sure you would agree with me that since the child of a goat is a goat and the child of a dog is a dog and it is impossible for a lion to give birth to a snail, it then means that the child of God is also a god. Psalm 82:6 says, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” But the day a cub starts imagining himself to be like a sheep and living like a sheep, he loses that sense of identity and authority.

As children of God, one of the mentalities we ought to be going about with is that, “I have on the inside of me the gene of the Most High God.” When the disciples were sent out and they came back to Jesus rejoicing, they said, even demons bowed down to us. Before then, ordinary headache they couldn’t heal, but because there was a mind shift and they understood that they had the gene of Christ in them, they started doing the miraculous.

Think about it this way, assuming Jesus was looking for a job, would it have been possible for any employer to say to Him, “No vacancies?” If Jesus should send in a proposal to any organization, would they have had the guts to thrash or not to consider it? Assuming Jesus was driving a car, would it have been possible for armed robbers to snatch His car away?

I have come today to tell you the truth of the word of God that you were never created to be molested or ridiculed as a child of God. God wants to expressly show His power and glory through you which is why you must understand in your spirit man that the kind of life God wants for you is not a life of mediocrity or littleness, it is a life of abundance.

Always remember that whatever can’t stop Jesus, shouldn’t stop you if you have faith. Enjoy!

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July 29, 2014

Have you ever signed any bank documents? One common thing to all of them is that their terms and conditions part is always written in such a tiny font and too lengthy that 99% of those signing do not even bother to read, we just go ahead and sign. I remembered someone signed something like that when obtaining a loan and suddenly the interest rate went up by 5%. He became furious and was threatening legal action against the bank when he was shown the form he signed and there it was written that, “The bank has the sole right to increase interest rate if necessary,” but this time they have magnified the font.

Same way many believers don’t have much understanding of what is written concerning them. As believers, the written word carries such weight that makes it a weapon of mass destruction. Regrettably, many just put the Bible in their cars and some under their pillows without opening it to understand what’s in it for them except on Sundays. When the devil came to trouble Jesus in Matthew 4, Jesus conquered by quoting the written word of the Father.

I need you to understand that the weapons of our warfare which is the word of God is not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. You need to start loading your spirit man with the word of God so that when the need arises, you can use the written word to write your own story afresh. When you know what the written word of God concerning that situation, it boosts your faith level so much that you feel confident that you are going to come out victorious.

The written word of God contains every solution you would ever need to be victorious, prosperous and in the end live a wondrous life. Always remember that the word of God is sharper that any two-edged sword.

Get busy reading the word of God!

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July 28, 2014

There is a parable in Luke 15 about a father who had to sons – we usually call it the parable of the prodigal son. One of the sons asked the father to give him his own part of the will even though the father was still alive. He got what he wanted and went away to a very far country. There he lavished all he got from the father uncontrollably. I am sure he must have thought the money wouldn’t finish forgetting that money has wings (Prov 23:5b).

When he had finished spending everything he had, a mighty famine arose which turned him to a beggar. To make matters worse for him, he started eating pig feed. As dirty and stinking as pigs are, you can imagine someone dining with them because of hunger – that’s height of hunger sir. Suddenly, he came to his senses and thought it within himself that even slaves in his father’s house don’t eat with pigs, so he said he was returning back home (Luke 15:18-19).

To his surprise, he was received like a king against his expectation of being cast away or ridiculed. Some of us feel condemned because of our sins and as such we feel unworthy to approach God. However, we have forgotten that the scripture says in Romans 8:1a that, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” However, there is a need for a returning back to Christ. 2 Chron 30:9b says, “For the LORD your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him.”

It doesn’t matter how bad or dirty what you have done, Christ’s arms are wide opened to give you a welcome hug if only you will come to Him. When you return to Christ and abide in Him, that’s when you are guaranteed total protection, favor, honor, prosperity and all the things you are running after today.

Always remember that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

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July 27, 2014

The fruit a tree bears tells the kind of tree it is. When you see apple fruits on a tree, I guess we all agree that’s going to be an apple tree. A dog would be identified by her fruits as it is impossible for a dog to give birth to snakes. God delights in men bearing fruits as it fulfils the first mandate given us in Gen 1:28 when God said, “Be fruitful.” Unfortunately, men have so neglected this aspect under the guise of “Born again-ism” and “Church-ism.”

Many have been planted to be orange trees yet they are going about living a counter-productive life by bringing forth pear fruit. As Christians, one of the things that we need to understand is that many times, people hear and see Christ through our attitudes and behaviors and actions. It is not what you claim to be, it is what people see and take you to be. Someone said if you call yourself a leader, yet you don’t have a follower, you are only taking a stroll.

If you claim to be born again, tongue-talking and demon-chasing, yet you disrespect authorities placed over you – sir, you are like a dog giving birth to a goat. If you claim to be a worshipper and fearer of God yet you go about backbiting and gossiping about your colleagues and neighbors, ma, check your ways. Matt 7:18 says, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” In order words, it is impossible for God to lie and it is impossible for Satan to say the truth.

Good fruits are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance while evil fruits are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, inconsistency, rivalry, wrath, strife, treason, heresy, envy, murder, drunkenness and reveling. Always remember that, “Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”

What kind of fruits are you producing?  Stay productive!

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July 27, 2014

Because many people do not understand the power of spoken words, they abuse and misuse it and as a result, many of them are walking around as victims of wrong things they have spoken at one time or the other. It becomes worse when people who understand that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21) are seen topping the list of people who still underuse this power.

In the book of Genesis 1, Bible says in verse 2a&b part that, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” In order words, things weren’t rosy at all. Darkness connotes confusion, depression, frustration and a life of no direction, but verse 3 says, “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” From that point forward, everything God said came to pass. As a matter of truth, the entire universe came into being as a result of spoken words. God said it, and it came to pass and God said as you say it in His ears, so will He do.

It gets me worried when I hear people open their God-given mouth and start spilling out negative utterances about themselves, their nations, their spouses, their jobs, their kids and all when the clear instruction from God was, is and would always be, “Let the weak say, I am strong.” (Joel 3:10c) In order words, stop speaking about your problems and challenges, start speaking about your desires. Start speaking about what you want to experience not about what you are experiencing.

Prov 6:2 says, “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” As you keep speaking words of fear, doubt, failure and death, Satan fans the flame in every way he can to make it grow. Always remember the word of Christ in Matt 12:37 that, “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”

Be wise!

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Friday, 25 July 2014


July 25, 2014

If there is one area our lives that the devil is always fighting to conquer, it is our minds. That is why I keep telling people that if the battle of their minds can be won, then their physical battles would surely be won. Little wonder the scripture says in Rom 12:2b that, “but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” In order words, a renewed mind would birth a transformed life.

I am sure you would agree with me that the world most renewed mind ever is Christ’. At a particular revival where there were thousands of people in attendance, Jesus called Philip and said unto him, “Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” I am sure Philip must have wondered if the Boss was joking. He said unto Jesus, “Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. You’d better send them away before you record the highest number of casualty at any revival ever.”

However, what Philip didn’t understand was that before Jesus asked him that question, Bible says, He knew what to do. (John 6:1-7) As believers (born again and in right standing with the Almighty), the scripture says in 1 Cor 2:16c that, “But we have the mind of Christ.” In order words, you and I do not have any excuse for not living a glorious and beautiful life here on earth because we have a renewed mind and as such, our life must be transformed because The Bible says, as he thinks, so is he. So, if your mind thinks right, you would get it right in life.

Always remember that the mind of Christ would never think poverty, failure, disappointment, rejection, shame, reproach, hunger, or any form of evil because the thoughts of God are always thoughts of good and never of evil.

Stay free!

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Thursday, 24 July 2014


July 24, 2014

As a believer, I have come to discover that there is a difference between fact and truth. For the people of the world, there might not be much difference between the two which is why the two words are mostly used to mean the same thing. Also, the dictionary meaning does say they can mean the same thing, but there are fundamental differences between a fact and truth, and understanding these differences is crucial to expanding our understanding of our world.

Fact is a word while Truth is a grammatical representation of the Son of God. John 14:6 says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” In order words, understanding the person of Jesus opens one up to having a clear understanding of what truth means in this world that we live in. Also, fact limits while truth sets free. That popular scripture in John 8:32 says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The setting free is a product of our mindset and our belief system.

Fact magnifies the truth about the word of a man, while Truth is relying on the word of God.
The obvious fact is that there is economic crisis, but the undeniable truth is that when others are saying there is cast down, you are not permitted to say such, rather, your own experience shall be lifting upon lifting because your God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (the Truth) which is why only those that know the Truth (Jesus) shall be set free (from pain, shame, lack, poverty, disappointment, disgrace.)

Concerning that situation of yours, even though the doctor has said it’s hard for you to walk again, or to conceive again, or to live for long, my friend, those are facts, what does the Truth say about it? Always remember that, fact cripples while Truth sets free.

Stay free!

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July 23, 2014

One thing I do not need a prophet to tell me is that every human on planet earth desires greatness. Greatness is not a Western idea, it is global. However, an adage says, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” In order words, if greatness is a product of wish, then we would all be great men and women in our individual chosen field of endeavor, but sir/ma, let me disappoint you, if you like, wish for greatness from now till 2080, without application of principles, you will never cease wishing.

The “A” rule talks about Appearance. In Gen 41, when Uncle Joseph was brought out of the prison, the first thing that he did was to shave himself, and then he changed his garment, before daring to go to the presence of Pharaoh. He understood the principle that says, “You cannot dress like a suspect, and expect to be treated like a prospect.” Your appearance is key in your journey to the land of greatness.

The “B” part talks about Behavior. If your appearance is super, but your behavior is not proper, sir, you are a joker. You need to understand that sport scouts don’t look for touts. Your behavior is what tells people the kind of person you are even before they get close to you. A Nigerian adage says, “Behavior is beauty.” In order words, if you like use the most expensive powder in the world, if your behavior is bad, you are bad.

The “C” part is Communication. If you are truly serious about becoming great, then you need to be able to communicate clearly. When professors heard Jesus talk even at age twelve, they marveled and said, “What kind of wisdom is this?” Great people can communicate their ideas, plans and thoughts clearly and concisely.

Always remember that appearance, behavior and good communication style alone doesn’t guarantee automatic greatness, you need hard work, prayer and help of the Holy Spirit.

Have a great day.

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Tuesday, 22 July 2014


July 22, 2014

As said before, motive is always the motivational factor behind a man’s actions and inactions. However, it could be a two edged sword as it could be a good thing and also a bad thing. We talked about the good side of it before, and now I want to talk about the negative implication of motive that we always refer to as wrong motive. Someone said, if your motive for doing the right thing is wrong, then you sure are doing the wrong thing.

A young man with a very promising future as a prophet destroyed that chance because of his motive. Gehazi had the chance of becoming Elisha’s successor and maybe having triple portion of Elisha’s anointing but his real motive for becoming a prophet’s servant was revealed when a very powerful and wealthy man (Naaman) came for prophetic consultation (2 Kings 5: 21-27). It became obvious to Prophet Elisha that the real reason why Gehazi was following him was for financial gains which unfortunately he didn’t get but went away with generational leprosy.

A friend said, some people want to get rich to oppress the poor, some became police officer or a lawyer to take revenge, to make matters worse, some pray to God day and night just so they could prove to their neighbors that they have a good God. Some even got married to someone they didn’t love just to prove to some people (who in actual sense don’t matter) that they are also marriageable. Some take bank loans to buy things to show their friends that they are also in town. You hear them say, “I want to prove a point.”

Always remember that when your motive for doing something is wrong, no matter the number of right steps taken, you still are doing the wrong thing.


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Monday, 21 July 2014


July 21, 2014

Motive is the reason why you do what you are doing. It is like the driving factor. Many people get frustrated and confused in the journey of life because they have not really identified the reason behind their actions. If you truly want to succeed at something, you need to have a cogent reason for doing it, else, when the storm of life comes, it becomes pretty easy to give up. Terrorists go the length (no matter how long it is) just to terrorize because they claim they have a reason for doing that.

When God asked Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, it sounded sweet until he got to the presence of Pharaoh and various hardships surfaced. Ordinarily, one would have expected Moses to give up and let go, but he understood the motive behind what he was doing and then it became hard for him to just let go like that, which was why each time Pharaoh refused to let the people go, Moses kept trying and retrying until it all paid off.

When Judas and the other military folks came to “arrest” Jesus, and someone from Jesus’ camp used the sword to cut off the high priest’s right ear, Jesus looked at them said something profound, “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?” (Matt 26: 53-54) The motive behind Jesus’ actions was salvation of souls, so even when they came to arrest Him, He didn’t argue because of the ultimate goal before Him.

The question I’d like to ask you today is, why are you doing that business? Why are you studying that course? Why are you in that relationship? Until you have a reason for doing what you are doing, you won’t survive during tough and challenging seasons. Always remember that motive is always the motivational factor.

Keep soaring and keep shining.

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July 20, 2014

One of the most difficult things for most of us to accept is correction especially when it is coming from another person. I discovered that God prefers to correct us privately, but if we won’t yield to His correction, or we don’t know how to accept His correction privately, He will correct us publicly using whatever source. This was the case with Balaam when God used his donkey to correct him.

Oftentimes, our first impulse when being corrected by another person is to find fault in the “correcter”. That’s the point at which we say stuffs like, “After all, you always do worse things also.” Satan tempts us to do this in order to divert us from the real issue and ends up robbing us of the benefit to be derived from the correction. Joyce Meyer said that “Being corrected by God through people in authority such as the government, employers, parents, spouses and teachers is something each of us will encounter throughout life.”

Of a truth, we may not like the source God is using to correct us, but it is wisdom to accept the correction anyway to avoid “going round the mountain one more time” especially when you know that what you are being corrected for is a wrong thing. Be open to correction, take it as a gift and go work on it. Always remember that whom the Father loves, He chastises (corrects). Heb 12:6. I am sure one of the things that made God call David a man after His own heart was that David was a man who embraced correction with openness and readiness to change.

Don’t be too proud to accept correction. Always have it at the back of your mind that the person correcting you loves you and wants you to be a better person which is why the person is correcting you. Always remember that corrections are done at the end of every class test so that the students can be better and not make same mistake again.

Have a blessed week ahead.

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July 19, 2014

As humans, we have been wired to be “realistic.” Most of us would say, “I will say it the way it is,” which is why when things are not going on fine, we say the “plain truth” that things are bad and whenever we hear preachers telling us to say what we want so that things can change, we have a very hard time comprehending.

However, like I said, before one’s world would ever change, one’s word has to change. In the book of Ezekiel 37, when the prophet was taken down to the valley of dry bones, and was asked if the bones could ever live. The man of God must have thought within himself that the bones were dead and the possibility of ever living again was pretty low, so he answered, “Lord, you are the only one that knows that.”

To teach the man of God and the rest of us the lesson that one’s word shapes one’s world, God told him to command the dry bones to live again. Sir/ma, this was a hard task for the man of God considering the deadness of the bones but he understood that the scripture says, as you have said in my ears, so will I do. So he prophesied and that same moment, bones were joined back together without no mix-up, sinews and the flesh also came on those bones and then when he commanded breath of God into them, they became living souls.

When you make faith declaration, it stands because the word of God says in matt 21:21 that, “If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.” Always remember that faith is calling those things which be not as though they were because they are.

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Friday, 18 July 2014


July 18, 2014

It is very easy and convenient to say wonderful and positive things especially when all seems to be going on fine. But the moment a bend along the way comes around, it becomes very hard to still say those positive things which I very much understand. However, one watch out is that what we say during times of difficulty and challenges determines how long we stay in that situation because Bible says in Prov 18:21 that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and you will eat the fruit thereof.”

If you are always complaining and murmuring about how bad and terrible life is treating you, you are sure signing up for a miserable, frustrating and depressing time here on earth. In 1 Samuel 17, when a single man – Goliath, became a national threat to Israel and everyone was scared. David didn’t join every other person to start complaining and wailing. He didn’t even consider the size of Goliath because he knew that His God was, is and always bigger than any mountain not to talk of a mere man.

When David moved closer to Goliath, he told him in verse 45-47 that, “Hey Goliath, I come to you in God’s name and I tell you that in some few moments, my God will deliver you into my hands, and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee.” That was a mighty declaration of faith. David must have screamed on top of his voice so Goliath could hear him considering Goliath’s height. Sir, there are miracles in your mouth if only you will declare them. Once you say it and you believe it, God fulfils it.

Henceforth, stop complaining about life, start declaring what you want. When the economy is bad, you say, “God will supply my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.” When business is not moving well, declare, “Everything I lay my hands to do prospers.” Sir/ma, if you want to change your world, change your word.

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Thursday, 17 July 2014


July 17, 2014

I am sure you have heard the saying that, “One’s attitude determines altitude.” In order words, your attitude determines how far you go in life. One of such attitude that is key is the attitude of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1 KJV) The attitude of faith is that attitude that says, even though it is not existing in the physical yet, I can still see it with my eyes of faith because it is there.

In 2 Chron 20, the Moabites and Ammonites rose against Jehoshaphat to battle. Bible says Jehoshaphat was so fearful that he had to proclaim a fast in the land. In verse 17, the word of the Lord came that, “Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you.” Jehoshaphat had the choice of fidgeting, but instead his attitude of faith got him and the people of Judah that victory without having to lift any sword.

In Joshua 6, there was an instruction that the people should just shout and the wall of Jericho would collapse. Ordinarily and humanly speaking, this was impossible. I am so sure the people of Israel understood this as well, however, they understood that the principle of faith is such that you have to believe before you can receive, which was why they had such attitude of faith to have believed that mere shouting would bring down a city wall.

No matter what you are going through, always have that positive attitude of faith that all will be well and things will work out for your own good, because an attitude of faith sets the ground for God to step into action.

Remain blessed and lifted!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


July 16, 2014

One of the challenges of this present generation is thinking. This is one reason why you see students when given assignment to do, they start copying answers from another person instead of trying to do it by themselves. Some other set of people go about saying, “there is no new thing under heaven.” I was also a student of this school of thought until recently when I saw how some things were turning out.

I recently stumbled upon an invention by someone. The person manufactured a mug that could stir the contents in it by itself. In order words, the stress of looking for a teaspoon to stir and the accompanying noise from the spoon hitting the cup shall be no more. While wondering how this person came about such a wonderful idea, I saw another hand sowing tailoring machine. In order words, instead of having to do the manual needle and thread thing or going about looking for a seamstress, all you have to do is put the cloth in the machine, press a button and sowing begins.

When Laban was striking that deal with Jacob in Genesis 30, I am so sure he was thinking in his mind that there was no way Jacob would see much sheep in his flock with speckles or spots. However, Jacob became a scientist and started breeding his own choice of sheep by using a rod. Because of this invention, Bible says, Jacob increased exceedingly and had much cattle, servants, camels and asses to the extent that Laban’s son started saying that Jacob had duped their father.

Today, I just want you to think twice should you have said or imagined that all that could be has been. Day by day, great minds are always thinking of what to invent to make life easier for all. Why don’t you also start thinking that way knowing full well that the moment you do that, you become an automatic celebrity?

Remember that if you can think it, you can do it.

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Tuesday, 15 July 2014


July 15, 2014

There is the story of a young soldier who had been condemned to death by Oliver Cromwell (English military and political leader). The young soldier was to be shot at the ringing of the curfew bell. When the fiancée heard this, she climbed the bell tower and tied herself to the clapper of the giant bell so that it would not ring. When the bell did not ring, soldiers went to investigate and found the girl battered and bleeding from being bashed against the sides of the giant bell. Cromwell was so impressed by her love for the young man that he pardoned him.

Because of love people do extraordinary things. In the popular movie – Titanic, a young man gave up his live for that of his woman. Because of love, God the Father sent His dearly loved Son to be treated cruelly. He watched Him being nailed to the cross in agony. It was not a sweet experience at all, because I knew how painful it was for me the day I mistakenly stepped on nails, not to now talk of someone that was intentionally nailed in both hands and feet. Honestly, you can only imagine, you can never feel how He felt.

The terror of the cross got so much that Jesus cried out. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”  God forsook His son on the cross because of the love He has for you and I even before you and I came into being. Romans 5:8 & 10 says God has shown us how much he loves us in that Christ died for us when we were still sinners. A woman was caught in the middle of adultery but Christ pardoned her because of love.

Don’t allow the devil keep deceiving you that you are a cast away because you are a sinner – NO! As a matter of truth, because of the love of Christ for you and I, He released Himself to be crucified. No matter who you are, JESUS LOVES YOU.

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Sunday, 13 July 2014


July 14, 2014

In the game of football, there are some players called, “utility players,” in order words, they can plan any wing. They are like all in one printers that can send email, photocopy, and print and scan documents at the same time. I realized that there is no man on this planet that we can call all in one. A man is not equipped to be so, which is why no matter how wise or smart a man is, he would still need the service of some other people for him function effectively well.

However, we serve a God that is the ALL IN ONE God – the One that can be everything and anything to anyone and everyone. I find it very disheartening and unwise when I see men run to fellow men for help instead of going to God. Men have limitations, but God doesn’t. God is so mighty that He can heal, deliver, provide, promote, kill, make alive, paralyze, protect, defend, uphold, etc. That is why I refer to Him as the ALL IN ONE.

When wine ran out at a wedding ceremony, He became a brewer. When food wasn’t enough to feed five thousand folks, He became a food processor. When a certain woman needed healing, His garment became a moving healing centre. When a certain man died, He woke him up even after four days. When some tax collectors wanted to embarrass Him, He converted the belly of a fish to an ATM machine. When some blind folks had an encounter with Him, they regained their sights. The most interesting part is nothing is ever hard for Him.

I urge you today, stop running from pillar to post looking for solution to your challenges where there is none. Matt 11:28 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Everything you would ever need is in God – all you need do is just open your mouth and ask for whoever asks receives.

Remain blessed!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 



July 13, 2014

In life, there are things that matter and there are things that don’t, and the moment a man starts focusing his attention and concentrating his energy on what doesn’t matter, he ends up as a man that doesn’t matter in life. Simply put, if it matters, it is major, and if it doesn’t, it is minor, and the moment a man keeps majoring in minor things, he ends up a minor.

In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus entered a certain village and certain woman named Martha hosted Him. Martha had a sister named Mary. The moment Jesus entered their house, Martha started running up and down preparing some delicacies that would be given to Jesus as lunch, but she realized her sister was not helping her. While trying to look for her, she found her sitting down at Jesus’ feet listening to the word of God.

She must have been very furious for her to have said to Jesus in verse 40, “Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.” She was expecting Jesus to command Mary to go help her sister but Jesus’ response must have come as a shock to her. Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” To make matters worse for Martha, the Bible never recorded it that Jesus ate the meal she was busy preparing.

Friends, most of us spend hours doing what doesn’t matter in life and we are wondering why we still don’t matter. If you sleep most of your time or spend it watching movies or chatting with people or gossiping around, instead of studying the word of God and praying and working on yourself to improve your skills, sir, you are majoring in minor things. Remember the world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.

Be wise!

Follow on twitter @Iamhenrylong 



July 12, 2014

Challenges and problems are sometimes must-haves. Even the scripture says in John 16:33 that, “In this world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (MSG) Despite this, many people still go about blaming people and even God for whatever situation they are going through. Some would say my job, my wife, my dog, my mother-in-law, my neighbor across the street, the media, the government, the receptionist, are responsible for their problems.

Paul Getty said, “A man may fail many times but he is not a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.” I used to be a professional blamer until I realized that all blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find in others and regardless of how much you blame them, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming them, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.

Someone once said he started having extramarital affairs because his wife nags a lot. I laughed because I know that the best years of a man’s life are the ones in which he realizes and decides his problems are his own. You do not blame them on your mother, ecology, employer or the president of your nation. You realize your life is yours. And then you come to understand that the issue/problem is there already and blaming someone else won’t fix it.

Zacchaeus could have blamed his short stature on his parents (obviously they must have been short folks), but he didn’t, instead, he accepted responsibility for his own life. Today, I urge you to take that important step by accepting responsibility for your life and realize that you are who you personally chose to be.


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