As a result of the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic, it is been reported that millions of people are already losing their jobs, thereby increasing the number of the unemployed, several businesses are going through a very hard time, countless numbers of people are predicted to be homeless in weeks, and millions all over the world are hungry with no hope of where the next meal would come from.
There is every possibility that some of the people reading this are already suffering from the effect of this pandemic - healthwise, money wise, business wise, career wise and even family wise. To make matters worse, there is no sign that this virus is going away anytime soon, so, what do we do?
First and foremost, without your hope intact, whatever strategy you have will fail. You must have heard the saying that, "as long as there is hope, there is life" which means your chances of survival hangs on how strong your hope is.
"The good news is that there is hope for you.................in God."
Just before you get pissed and stop reading, yes....I knew you want something practical, so keep reading, because you are about to read something very practicallllllllll.....
Some years back, I was so indebted that it never appeared as if I was working, by the way I was working with a multinational, but it was so bad that my wife and I with our little boy would have to sieve rat feces from 'garri' (cassava powder) to drink....I am sure that is why the boy likes garri till date....anyways, we held on to God....we knew that God had, has and still have the record of pulling people out of the pit and placing them in the palace, so we decided to hold on to God...
We would regularly remind ourselves that our today might be tough and rough but our tomorrow would be super colorful, and little by little, things started picking up.....debts paid off, another job showed up, moved to a better apartment to ensure mental decency for the kids, could afford to buy a car, started a business that was not doing badly and could afford to eat to satisfaction.
Listen to me, it was not all interesting though, there were times I would cry, times I would wish I could run away, but then I would remind myself about the story of a man named Mr Job....he was the richest and greatest man in his continent, but one day something worse than Corona Virus hit his household, he lost all his sources of income, the house he built with his own money collapsed on his own children and killed his 7 sons and 3 girls, and finally the man became so sick he could not afford a doctor, but used broken piece of ceramic material to scrape his body....terrible one right?
But, despite all of these things, the man made a statement that the people around him must have thought he must have been drunk or losing his mind. He said, "I know my Redeemer (God) lives." Wait a minute.....how can you say that God is alive yet you are going through this horrible time? Anyways, Mr Job kept holding on to God.....He knew God never fails, and God never failed him....he recovered all he lost, including new set of children - 7 sons and 3 girls. He kept his hope alive.
During this time, your sure strategy to cope would be to be hopeful in God that no matter how bad things are of the moment, a better tomorrow awaits you...when you have this mindset, it helps you think right and in that process, God would give you the strength to go through the dark times and ideas to bring you out to limelight.
There is hope for you.